Business Mentors for startups

Discover how Smartup Solutions’ Startup Mentorship programs could help you grow.

It’s lonely at the top. CEO mentoring with Smartup solutions can:

Mentoring with Smartup Solutions

There’s no playbook for growing a business. But you can learn an awful lot (and avoid some painful pitfalls) when you work with someone who’s already been there and done that. We’ll pair you with business growth mentors who understand your industry and your role.

Why work with a business mentor for startups?

You have a way of working. It’s pretty successful. After all, it’s brought you this far. But always there’s that feeling of you ‘don’t know what you don’t know’. And when you’re working to scale a business, there’ll be lots you encounter for the first time.

Startup mentorship programs with Smartup Solutions help you explore those unknowns. They enable you to face them with expertise and experience by your side. They help you to be better equipped to face the unfamiliar.

What are the benefits of business mentoring programs?

Smartup Solutions mentors are business consultants for startups and their CEOs. Being the CEO of a company can feel lonely an exposed at times, so our support can be invaluable. We’ll help to:

  • Grow personally, addressing the issues that can help you be better at what you do – whether that’s learning to become more detached, to delegate more (or better) or to build personal resilience.
  • Challenge your thinking (and help you develop better answers) – so you see the business from different angles and aren’t lulled into a false sense of security.
  • Give you perspective – from someone who isn’t immersed in the business.
  • Give you a safe space to share ideas and fears without fear of feeling exposed or showing weakness to peers and subordinates.
  • Keep you on track and challenge you when your thinking doesn’t add up or your plans need more development.

Mentoring with Smartup Solutions

To get the most out of a business growth you’ll need to be willing to commit to it.  CEOs that possess the following traits will enjoy a hugely rewarding experience with our startup business mentors:

Be responsible for the process

Small business mentorship programs work best when you don’t expect the mentor to do all the heavy lifting. Mentoring is reactive. You bring the issues on which you’ll focus.

Step beyond the comfort zone

By definition, stepping beyond your comfort zone is… uncomfortable. You need to be willing to accept and endure that until your zone expands.

Be self-disciplined

It’s a given that as a CEO you will have the work ethic to engage with the process, but you’ll also need the self-discipline to commit to exploring new ways of working, rather than reverting to the tried and tested when things get challenging. That might mean people around you have to get used to a slightly different dynamic too.

Ask for help

Working with a business advisor for startups only works if a) you share with them the goals you would like to work towards and b) you share those goals with others too. Your top team, partners and others have the potential to help you grow if you’re willing to (appropriately) engage them in the process.

What business mentor do you need?

You don’t necessarily need a mentor who knows your industry inside out – that’s the role of a coach. But as a startup it’s important to choose a mentor familiar with your world and the challenges you face. Scaling, exploring new markets, fundraising: whilst they are all issues that a business of any scale and age may face, they create specific challenges for startups – so it’s important to work with a mentor who fits your level of growth to get the best business mentoring benefits.

With a long track record of starting and scaling businesses, Smartup Solutions are the natural business consultants for startups.

What will a mentor do ?

  • Help you reach your personal and corporate goals.
  • Help you build greater self-awareness of the qualities you’ve mastered and the ones that could be developed.
  •  Get on well with you because mentoring requires chemistry.
  • Focus on your personal rather than technical skills.
  • Be your champion, support your ambitions and help you reach
    them rather than encouraging you to pick some less lofty ambitions.

Why Smartup Solutions ?

Smartup Solutions are business growth mentors for startups. We’ve ‘been there and done that’ and are veterans of angel investment, international expansion, scaling culture and all the other issues that the CEO of a startup needs to address. We’ll help you address it.

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